W National Park

Guided treks

Most footpaths are well marked but you must be guided by an expert employed by the park and accompanied by an armed forest ranger. guides can arranged when you arrive but may be in short supply in peak seasons, so plan ahead and contact the park authority before you arrive.

Four wheel drive

Most of the cars are equipped with an open roof and you can climb up to observe the flora and fauna. the use of a four wheel drive enables you to reach the more inaccessible parts of the park, and to see some of the more shy and retiring animals.

Dugout boats

A great natural way to see the park is by floatign down the niger river or the mekrou river in a dugout with a guide. you will see hippos and crocodiles, as well as hundreds of rare species of birds. cheetahs and other large carnivores come to the river banks to drink. two types of boats are available a hand directed dugout for up to five people, or a motorised dugout for longer distances and larger parties. boat safaris can be organised from the main gates or at your eco-lodge.

The park operates a number of safaris. If you arrive as part of a tour, these will no doubt be included in your package. If you are under your own steam, safaris can be booked at the Tapoa Gate.